If you have loved ones that depend on you for financial support, life insurance can help take care of their future financial security. Should you pass away, your beneficiaries receive a lump sum, tax-free payment to help them replace lost income, maintain their living standards, pay for your children’s education, pay off debts and cover your final expenses. Watch our video to learn more.
Our TD Term Life Insurance policies provide coverage for death, as long as all required health questions were answered accurately, and all requested information was provided at the time of your application. Please see your policy for the terms and conditions. If you have any questions about your TD Term Life Insurance policy, please call us to speak to an advisor.
Efficient, knowledgeable and courteous staff is always ready to help. We have the latest technology to assist our advisors to service their clients.
Insurance Agency Inc.
We want to be your insurance broker. We provide personal, high-quality service and offer policies in all areas of insurance – Critical, Disability, Health and Dental, Travel and domestic requirements using only authorized Canadian-based insurers. Our success to date is based on providing high-quality, personalized and professional service to our clients throughout Canada. Exceptional personal service and a holistic approach to the insurance needs of our clients are the primary reasons why we enjoy a first-class reputation and position as a leading insurance broker in Canada.
We are experts in helping you find the right insurance solution for your needs. We work with each client and assess their risks and exposures to ensure they’re covered financially no matter what happens!
We offer expert advice on each client’s domestic requirements, assess their particular risks and exposures and recommend specific insurance products to cover those risks.
Insurance Broker
Insurance Broker